Deaf Education


IDEA Policy Resources

NEW!  CEC Briefs Compare the 2004 IDEA Regulations to the 1997 IDEA Regulations and Include CEC Comments and Analysis.


Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (formerly called P.L. 94-142 or the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975) requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs.

IDEA requires public school systems to develop appropriate Individualized Education Programs (IEP's) for each child. The specific special education and related services outlined in each IEP reflect the individualized needs of each student.

IDEA also mandates that particular procedures be followed in the development of the IEP. Each student's IEP must be developed by a team of knowledgeable persons and must be at least reviewed annually. The team includes the child's teacher; the parents, subject to certain limited exceptions; the child, if determined appropriate; an agency representative who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education; and other individuals at the parents' or agency's discretion.

If parents disagree with the proposed IEP, they can request a due process hearing and a review from the State educational agency if applicable in that state. They also can appeal the State agency's decision to State or Federal court. For more information, contact:

Office of Special Education Programs
U.S. Department of Education
330 C Street, S.W. (Room 3086)
Washington, D.C. 20202


Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education



Statewide Personnel Directory for Special Education,1607,7-140-5235_6785-17500--,00.html


Special Education Forms -- Procedures and Guidelines,1607,7-140-6530_6598---,00.html

Additional Links
Thank you Celeste Johnson for providing the following links.

US Dept. of Education's Office for Civil Rights [OCR]

(enforces all civil rights legislation, including Sec. 504 and ADA in all educational agencies, elementary, secondary and post-secondary)


US Dept. of Education's "Deaf Students Education Services; Policy Guidance"

(The single most useful document for placement guidelines for D/HH students)


OCR's (Office of Civil Rights) Complaint Process

Questions and Answers on OCR's Complaint Process
Questions and Answers about filing a discrimination complaint with OCR (Feb 12, 2001)
Electronic Complaint Form -- Office for Civil Rights
This is the Office for Civil Rights' online discrimination complaint form. (May 29, 2001)
OCR Complaint Process
Information about the Office for Civil Rights complaint process, guidance for filing a complaint, and forms. (Feb 12, 2001)

OCR Contact Information


Section 504 -- Implementing Regulations for Education


Michigan Dept. of Education's [MDE] Office for Special Education and Early Intervention Services,1607,7-140-6525_6530_6598---,00.html


MDE's Administrative Forms, Guidelines and Procedures

(including model IEP and IFSP forms),1607,7-140-6530_6598_36168---,00.html


MDE's Complaint Procedures for Special Education,1607,7-140-6530_6598_36168---,00.html


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Implementing Regulations


Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) Enforces FERPA


MI Attorney General Opinion #6100

Right of Parent to Record a Meeting of Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC)


Listen Up!

(Very comprehensive site for all matters related to D/HH children with many links.)


American Society for Deaf Children [ASDC]

with a link to join its Parent Deaf-HH listserve.


Information about Deafness, Especially for Parents


Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center


"Looking Beyond the Obvious: Assessing and Understanding Deaf Learners," by Marc Marschark, Ph.D.



Resources on Educational Interpreting